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Private lessons
piano lessons
Private Lessons

Piano Lessons for 30 min, 45 min, or 60 min.

Private lessons offered for ages 6 through adult for the beginner, intermediate, and those returning to the keyboard no matter how long it has been.  Younger children considered on a case by case basis.  Students can expect to learn note reading, expression, music theory and composition appropriate to their level.  Expect to have fun learning songs you know as well as discover new favorites from  different eras and places.


If you have concerns about paying for lessons, please let me know.  I am a MusicLink Foundation approved teacher and am happy to discuss options; you can find out more on their website here.

group classes
music classes
Intro to music

Small group instruction in music reading with an intro to recorder, violin and keyboard. These classes may be taken in a small group setting or individually. Students will be introduced to basic musical notation and will begin on the recorder.  Once they have some basic note-reading and rhythm skills, beginning violin and piano will be added.  We will discuss other instruments and include music theory as they advance.  In addition to developing basic musical knowledge and ability, this will help them be prepared to choose a band or orchestra instrument.

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